How to Live, Love & Lead:

Experiencing the Chinese spiritual classic, the Tao te Ching

A conversation with poet Jim Teeters about his translation/interpretation of the work entitled Because of This

Wednesday, September 25th from 7 to 8pm on Zoom: REGISTER FOR EVENT

The Tao te Ching, a Chinese spiritual classic written about 400 bce, is the second most translated work of wisdom literature in the world after the Bible. The Quaker poet Jim Teeters explores this text highlighting what it teaches about how to live, love, and lead.

Jim first encountered the Tao te Ching when a student gave him a copy while he was teaching in China.He began a deep engagement with the text that resulted in his new interpretation/translation entitled: Because of This.

The session will be fully on Zoom and will include Jim describing his experience with the Tao te Ching and reading sections from his book. His version reorganizes the chapters to highlight the themes of how to Live, Love and Lead.

Copies of the book are available on sale through Barclay Press.



Staging Scripture

Saturday & Sunday, August 3rd & 4th

At Reedwood Friends (Quaker)

Reedwood Friends commissioned three new one-act dramas based on Bible stories from both the Old and New Testaments, written and performed by Levi & Deborah Frazier, founders of the Blues City Cultural Center, in Memphis. These will be performed in three sessions, and may be enjoyed individually if you are not able to attend all three. Each will be followed by a discussion as well as a question & answer period.

Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Saturday, August 3rd at 7:00pm

The Woman at the Well

Sunday, August 4th at 9:30am (part of our regular worship meeting)

Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar

Sunday, August 4th at 11:00am

Levi Frazier is an award-winning playwright, whose works have been produced across the U.S., in Paris, France, and Lodz, Poland. Deborah Frazier is a consummate actress who has appeared on stage, television, and in films. She has also been cast in local and national commercials and industrial training productions. Deborah and Levi have received the Tennessee Governor’s Award in Theatre and were listed as Memphis Magazine’s Most Influential 100 Memphians. Levi and Deborah are co-founders of Blues City Cultural Center, a 45-year-old performing arts organization located in Memphis, Tennessee. The organization is now headed by their daughter, Executive Producer Ayana Williams.

Join us for a unique exploration of inner peace across traditions. This panel discussion brings together voices from the Quaker tradition, Tibetan Buddhism, Centering Prayer, Christian Mysticism, and the world of pottery. Hear how each of these paths offer opportunities to cultivate spiritual growth and promote compassion and connection. Discover the connections across these varied traditions and practices.


Juan Carlos La Puente works in leadership development rooted in meditative, contemplative, and discernment practices. He supports leaders in different countries to create learning spaces based on collaborative practices. He lives in Portland, Oregon, and collaborates with the Oregon Synod as a Bishop’s Associate. After accompanying many leaders internationally, he authored “Mutual Accompaniment in the Divine Ruah: On Discernment and Spirituality at Uncertain Times” in 2023.

Namdrol Miranda Adams is Dean and a Founder of Maitripa College, a Buddhist graduate school in Portland, Oregon. She teaches Buddhism, contemplative pedagogy, and engagement with faith and service at Maitripa. Since 1998 she has dedicated her life to the study and practice of the Tibetan language and philosophy in the context of American higher education. She practiced and studied as a Buddhist nun for seven years, and completed her doctoral work in Education at the University of Portland in 2021. Her research is focused on contemplative education, epistemology and learning, and building sustainable and socially responsible institutions of higher education.

Chris Baskin is a potter based in Portland, Oregon, who makes atmospherically fired ceramics for utilitarian, aesthetic, and contemplative purposes. He completed a Master of Divinity degree at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1991 and a Master of Fine Arts degree at Alfred University in New York in 1995. Chris participates in Trinity Episcopal Contemplative Group, identifies ceramics as one of many contemplative arts, and engages art as a transformative spiritual practice.

Lynn Holt co-founded the Companioning Center, a contemplative spiritual formation and training center for soul companions and spiritual directors based on the Quaker tradition of deep listening, waiting silence, and discernment that supports faithful action in the world. Lynn has served in local congregations, overseas at the Ramallah Friends School in the West Bank, and as a graduate school instructor.  As a wisdom seeker, formation guide, supervisor, and soul companion, Lynn hosts contemplative spaces and practices for all seekers. A Recorded Minister among Friends, she has an MDiv from Portland Seminary and Certificates from the Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA, and Shalem Institute.

Patricia Hutchinson is a Franciscan Spiritual Director. She has been practicing Centering Prayer for over 20 years and is committed to its fundamental tenets: Silence, Stillness, Solitude, Simplicity, Serenity, Solidarity, and Service. She is a big believer that our deepest self is where we find the Divine and that all areas of life can bring us into contact with that true self: the natural world, our relationships, our creativity, and our uniqueness. Her own self-exploration involves continuous dialogue between body, mind, and emotions… the Trinity of the soul. As a mother and grandmother, she brings a deeply cultivated understanding of the Divine Feminine to her life and her work. Patricia has a Bachelor of Arts in Literature and a Masters in Theology. She has co-chaired Oregon Contemplative Outreach, facilitating contemplative workshops and retreats.

Tales of Two Cities:

A River Runs Through It: Reflections from the banks of the Willamette and Jordan Rivers

Press-ganged in Portland? Jonah and Paul in the City of Roses

Honoring Portland’s Prophets: How the Spirit has Moved in
the City of Roses