This statement was prepared by the above and the current Elders as of June 5, 2020: Susanne Christopher, Marcia Kubat, Carole Spencer and Kara Wilkin.
We at Reedwood Friends Church (Quaker) have been moved, by recent actions that have taken the lives of young black people and created a climate of demonstrations and violence across our nation and even around the world, to make a statement. As we, the Elders and pastors considered what we might do it seemed good that making a statement agreeing to become part of the solution rather than sit back and act as though we cannot make a difference seemed good. We hope this statement will encourage us all to do better at being followers of Christ. Lloyd Pruitt, Presiding Clerk
As followers of Christ, we are called to express our personal faith in Christ through peaceable, loving behavior towards all people. We must love all of our neighbors as ourselves. Our love for God requires a compassionate attending to our neighbors’ expressed needs, without exception, hesitation, or discrimination. Here is the foundation and challenge set before us as followers of Christ. As a church, a community, and a nation, we must continue to raise our voices against racism.
Therefore, we at Reedwood Friends Church, a Quaker meeting, vow to openly oppose and peaceably work to dismantle the forces of racism that would bring harm, physical, emotional, and spiritual, against our neighbors of color. We vow to live more fully into the standard that Christ leads us. Agreeing with Dr. Martin Luther King’s statement, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that”; we are committed to bringing light to this time of darkness.
To our neighbors of color, we see you, we hear you, we stand and walk alongside you in this struggle.
Mark Condo-Pastor
Mario Macias-Latino Pastor
Lloyd Pruitt-Presiding Clerk